When this middle of the pack community owned European football team could not find the capitals to achieve its five year plan, it turned to Brie Strategy.
First with their management team led by their CMO we reviewed their objectives and re-aligned their mid term strategy to ensure their offering was compelling while being attainable.
Second we reviewed their financials, bringing in outside assistance from a specialized sports' accounting firm.
Third, with a new strategic plan and full understanding of their financial position, we devised a new offering combining mezzanine financing & traditional debt.
Fourth, with the C-Suite we put together a short list of target partners including private equity, family offices and boutique banks.
Fifth, we were present and assisted in the road show and facilitated many of the meetings.
Within six months of starting the mandate, our client closed two separate financing deal, after receiving many terms sheets. This gives them a clear three year runway with ample options for additional financing along the way.